The Remnant Church was founded by Theresa Tavernier in August of 2015. In response to the Holy Spirit’s tug on her heart to teach the simple truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What began as a Bible Study series on the End Times at the Residence Inn in Dania Beach, Florida quickly grew to a community of believers who wanted to fellowship and grow beyond their anointed and interactive “Wednesdays in the Word.” In June 2016, Remnant Church held its first Sunday morning service at the Best Western in Hallandale Beach, Florida.

Today The Remnant Church makes its home at 3300 Griffin Road in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where Pastor Theresa Tavernier, affectionately called “Pastor Tee” celebrated 5 years of ministry in August 2020. Remnant Church is under the covering and leadership of Bishop Jacqueline E. McCullough as a member of the Beth Rapha Alliance of Pastors/ Pastor Tavernier and her ministry team is committed to sharing the love of God through the simplistic gospel of Jesus Christ. Our belief is that no matter who you are, what color or race, or what you have been through, God has a special plan for your life, and there is a place for you in our hearts and in our church family.

The Remnant Church believes the Bible is the inspired word of God, and in it we have hope, comfort, and direction. We are committed to reaching souls for Christ through our weekly services at the local church which are streamed live via our YouTube channel, our social media presence, and community activities. We are a small but growing ministry that believes in best practices and serving others in the spirit of excellence.


To fulfill the great commission of Matthew by sharing the undiluted and simple gospel of Jesus Christ, to create a community of disciples who being knowledgeable and filled with the Holy Spirit will go forth to make disciples of others and a difference in their community and the world.


To create a safe place where all people are welcome and can experience the healing and transformational love of God through salvation in Jesus Christ. To enlighten and educate believers in the truth of God’s word through in-depth weekly Bible study and teaching of the word in our Sunday Service experiences as well as other ministry events. To develop and train 21st-century leaders, help individuals to understand and live out their God-appointed purpose with confidence and victory.


Worship Service
11:30 am – 1:00 pm

“Wednesday in the Word”
7:00 – 8:30 pm



3300 Griffin Road
Dania Beach, Florida 33312-5554


(754) 703-5900